I'm starting a new direction with my blog. I either complain on here or come do a post when I am flaring... and I wanted to try something different. I'm doing interviews with fellow IC patients & posting them on here. Sue was brave enough to be the first! (If you are interested in being interviewed, email me- naomi@naomikarth.com for details!)
I wanted to say a couple things about Sue before I started her interview. Sue is one of the very first people I met with IC, and we met via FB. (There is a huge community of IC patients on FB. You usually only need to meet one, and suddenly you'll know tons!) Sue is a big part of my inspiration to spread awareness, and as you read her story you'll realize why- she deserves a cure, she deserves to get her life back! We all do! And it is just plain frustrating to hear about patients being treated they way she has by doctors- people who are supposed to care about us and our health!!